Present Tense (My Daily Activity) & Past Tense (My Unforgettable Moment)

My Daily Activity & My Unforgettable Moment

  • Daily Activity

         Hello everyone! I am Putri, my full name is Putri Awalia. I'm a student
at Gunadarma university and here is my daily activity. In the morning, I usually
wake up at 5 o'clock and I do fajr prayer because I am Muslim. When I have 
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morning class, I take a shower immediately. After that, I have breakfast.
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Then, I go to campus by motorcycle.         
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                    On campus I start studying at 8:30 amI enjoy learning time at campus until noon.
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At noon, I always have lunch with my friends. After the lunch break, I do midday prayer with
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my friends. Then, I join the class againI finish the study at 3:30 in the afternoon. For
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refreshing, I usually go to the cinema with my friends after class.
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                   I usually have dinner with family after isha prayerAfter dinner I help my mother
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to wash dishes and take a shower for a minutes. After that, I go to my room to rest and go
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to bed when I feel sleepy.
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  • Unforgettable Moment

        Last month, my grandmother had a mild stroke. Then, she was treated at Sragen
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Hospital in Central Java. Getting news that my grandmother was sick, my parents
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immediately went to Sragen Hospital in Central Java from Depok, West Java. While being
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treated her voice was not heard normally due to these minor strokes. After her condition
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improved she could speak normally. Not long after being treated, maybe after 3 days
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treatment my grandmother’s entered the ICU on SundayMy parents called me and my
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brother to immediately go to Sragen Hospital in Central Java. Because our grandmother's
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condition worsened.

        After that, we will be ordered tickets to take the bus to Sragen Hospital in Central
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JavaWe got a scheduled departure on Tuesday in the morning. But not unexpectedly on
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Monday we got word from our parents that our grandmother was gone. Hearing this news we
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felt very sad. Especially my brother and I who didn't get to meet her. The last time we met
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was last year during Eid Mubarak 1440 H. Finally on Tuesday we went to Grandma’s
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hometown in Ngawi, East JavaWe were very sad cause we could’nt see Grandma again.
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We arrived at Pilang Sari terminal at 6:00 pm pick up by my mom and my uncle. By car
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from Pilang Sari Terminal to Grandma's house takes 2 hours. Then, we are arrived at grandmother's 
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houseWe rested and slept because of the tiredness of the trip. After waking up in the morning we
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 felt better because of the nuances of my grandmother's beautiful hometown.
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                 Seeing the beautiful view of Lawu Mountain in front from Grandma's house. Helped us
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calm our minds and souls. After that we had breakfast then take a shower. In the afternoon
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we left for Grandma's graveWe sent prayers and read yaseen and al-fatihah letters to our
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deceased grandmother.

That's all for my daily activity & unforgettable moment..Thank you for your attention, please send Al-Fatihah 
to my deceased grandmother and for us 🙏


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Makalah Ilmu Budaya Dasar (Sumatera Barat)